Fly High with Helikite Aerostats
Helikite aerostats are a patented combination of a high altitude helium balloon and kite. Proven worldwide in all weather and environmental conditions.
Are you looking for the most inexpensive and reliable airborne platforms in the world?
Helikite Applications
Helikite aerostats can deliver results to your aerial application. Helikite aerostats have a superior impact and function over drones, blimps or ballons.
Fly the World’s best digital cameras Anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
Helikites are superb at scaring problem birds.
Stay in contact with portable lightweight solutions
Helikite Products
Flying high over land or sea, Helikites thrive in the high winds that force lesser aerostats and drones to the ground. Helikites patented aerostat design is the World’s first aerodynamic, lighter-than-air aircraft.
Skyshot Helikites
Designed to carry up to 9 cameras for the easiest aerial photography
Skyhook Helikites
These are the work-horses of the aerostat family. Versatile and ready for any job.
Wi-Fi Hotspot Helikites
Revolutionize the lack of Wi-Fi when you are out of range in open spaces.
Fishing Helikites
The future of Kite Fishing has arrived! Takes the place of multiple traditional kites.
Helibases & Winches
All weather-proof and suitable for use on land, vehicles, or at sea.
Everything needed to fly, maintain and store your Helikites.
Bird Control Helikites
Birds are scared away before they even come near a crop.
Desert Star Helikites
We carry the largest Helikites in the world. Just Ask!
Helikite Photography Systems
All in one packages ready and available for flight.

Nothing else in the world has so many beneficial flying characteristics.